Celebrating 58 Years as a Leader
Family is integral to the part time law student experience. Success in evening law school often hinges on the support of mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, extended family, and even children.
Family has also played a key role in the history of Glendale University College of Law. Visitors to this unique Southern California part time law university often comment on how comfortable and welcome they feel at Glendale. It feels this way for a reason.
Dr. Seymour Greitzer founded Glendale University College of Law in 1967. He believed the opportunity for a part time accredited law school education should be available to all those who possess the requisite abilities and intellect.
As prospective law students become acquainted with the part-time law school program at Glendale University College of Law, they discover that the current Dean shares a surname with the law school's founder. Now, under the leadership of the second generation, Glendale University College of Law proudly continues to offer this remarkable, affordable part time law school opportunity in Southern California.